Made an apple, onion and bacon pizza with a recipe from my hometown orchard, @kollasorchard.

Damn. Good end to a good day.

Here are some turkeys from a few days ago.

Few things remind me more that I’m a hairless monkey struggling to survive than my utter inability to stop eating berries regardless of how full I am.

“Harry Redknapp called three times!”

I couldn’t love Ted Lasso more.

First attempt at homemade Jamaican beef patties.

I think I did alright!

Photo of a Jamaican beef patty I made from scratch on a plate after baking.Photo of homemade beef patty with bite take out of it, showing flaky crust. image of last bit of a patty, showing gorgeous flaky and delicious layers.

Made pizza with @mrgan’s pan pizza recipe ( and it might be the best pizza I’ve ever made.

No sourdough—just a 3 day cold ferment—but the crust was at once crispy, soft and tangy. Perfect.

Thanks, Neven!

Top down view of an 8 by 10 inch pan pizza cooling in the pan. It has a sliced mozzarella base, stripes of tomato sauce, bits of sausage and shredded parmasean cheese on it.Side view of home made pan pizza sliece. Lots of big bubbles - the dough is super airy.

I don’t normally do this when I get texts from campaigns I don’t support, but made an exception here because HOLY SHIT does Mike Bloomberg suck.